Archive for life journies

Atl bound

Posted in Personal Updates, Random Thoughts with tags on August 26, 2009 by digitalsleep

On this plane drunk as fuck(thank god for business class).
Trying to convince myself that this metal bird won’t drop out of the sky. Thinking what is really on the other side of this equation. I know the primary motivation for this move is being there for my oldest daughter. Trying convince her that her dad gives a fuck. She thinks because she was there and i was here that I don’t love here and nothing could be futher from the truth. She dosen’t understand how she single handily change the course of my life and gave me the focus to push through bs and make something out of myself. She doesn’t know what i was before she was born i was an animal doing what I had yo survive. Even through her mom choose to bounce to Atl. I always loved her and wished she was by my side, that is old shit, I saw her starting veer off course so I made the choice to try to get closer to her. She thinks it’s too little too late but I know better. The benefit of years tells me any plan is better then no plan. So I got my place in Atl and still had to keep my place in NJ so I can get my grind on. Now of course i am leaving my whole world behind me and I feel like whatever I know what I have to do. It doesn’t make the chioce easy just let’s me sleep at night. There is my bull shit in my past that I am glad to leave behind, just don’t want to be running from shit cause that is not me. I just don’t believe in taking the old into the new so the grim reaper is out in full force killing everything that was my life. I feel like Joe black looming around my formal life like a fucking tourist cause soon enough it will be a distant memory. Can’t say for sure this Atl shit will fly but one thing for shit sure i am not going backwards so what next bitches…