Why not Just become a stronger man!?!

Caught an article link on twitter. It’s funny I follow the person who originally post this article because I have a huge crush on smart and powerful women and she is an MIT grad, and fellow technologist so my crush is huge 🙂

I want my lady to have the intellect to put mine in it’s place everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. I would be fine with that because it would always be a constant challenge because as open minded as i am, or at least as I pretend to be my ego is huge and I would defend it with my dieing breath. I love my inner Kanye West and you should love yours too. My inner Kanye keeps me honest because I am going let you finish but only after i have done my research and know more then you do about whatever you are talking about. I hate to be the only one in the room without the answer that means two things

  • 1. I am a jerk.
  • 2. I did the work.
  • anyway back to my thoughts on the article why would a women have to hide her successes to make her mate feel more like a men or even a positive contributor. That is so much bullshit, why should let you pay because it makes you feel better today, knowing you can’t afford it tomorrow. First of all there are so many ways to contribute in a relationship if you have low dough for some reason i am sure you can find another why to contribute. Equality is a myth in relationships rarely are things equal, it’s more like a rhythm a flow you have to learn to dance too. Make sure you have a good dance partner. A partner that can listen, and speak open and honestly.

    where do they make these dudes. You think i would waste my mates valuable time asking her to cater to my ego. It’s my ego and i can cater to it just fine. First if my lady is making more then me, my first thought is what the fuck am i doing. I know for sure I don’t got time to be feeling sensitive about it, I got grinding to do. Listen my huge ego opens me up to all kinds of criticisms but lack of work effort won’t be one of them. I find these sensitive ego-light thugs need hugs, they are all hiding the fact that they need to do better for themselves and using their mates success are an excuse is so wack.

    When I pay for my lady’s dinner the only thing i am trying to say to her is I got you baby, i appreciate you and the times she does the same for me I hope she is saying that same, otherwise she can skip it. My ego will be ok, it’s self healing.

    Men should be just that Men, and when your game is not working fix your shit, solve the equation and show your work, you will get an easy A, she wants to give you an A, but if you don’t show up for class she has to fail your ass.


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